Thursday, December 1, 2011

Top of the Mountain Buck

Good friend Eric Fish capitalized on an opening day opportunity.  Here is what he had to say about the hunt.  

"It was opening day, the sun was coming over the mountain and there was a thick fog in the air. After a couple hours spent looking through the binocs in the lower country the fog finally started to clear. My dad, Chad Hall and I decided to hike to the top of a mountain we knew had no roads on it and no hunting pressure. It was a steep, unwelcoming terrain but i had a good feeling about it. We drove as close to the mountain as we could and started hiking from an elevation of 3103 ft.  After several hours of hiking almost to the top I caught a buck bedded down under a cedar tree.  Hurrying to get in the shooting position, the buck jumped up and then another buck came into sight. They headed to the top of the finger almost to bail off the other side when he decided to stop and look one last time at us, only having a few seconds to shoot, the 25-06 (old faithful) did the trick. marking it on the G.P.S. with a final elevation of 4555 ft, we had a long hike back but it was well worth every second".