Saturday, January 7, 2012

Holiday Fun

Well we have been busy and running all over the place for the holidays.  Between harvest time, preparing for a big exam, college graduation, and heading out to Wisconsin for more taxidermy school, we did manage to get some hunting in.  Around Christmas time every year we have a little coyote calling contest.  This year we all just went out together and manage to kill one dog.  Also I got a bunch of pictures from mounts we have done in the past and they will be coming soon.  I have included my dad's coues deer on this post.  We also headed down south for a day to hunt some muleys.  Vaughn missed a few times on the last day of the year at some dinks so we will forgive him for the misses.  Win Wright on the other hand missed a dang nice buck that would have looked real nice on the wall next to his bull and european coues mount.  Enjoy the pics.