Monday, January 30, 2012

Giant Buffalo!

Well it has been awhile since the last post and I apologize.  I have tons of pics and hunting stuff (including 3 or 4 sweet Coues Deer and Taxidermy School) that I need to post.  Stay tuned and the posts will be showing up.  This was the first buffalo that we had the opportunity to do.  It is an absolute giant and turned out great.  It was done for good friend Steve Stayner and he has since sold it to Gila Outdoors in Thatcher, Arizona.  If you are ever down that way, you need to stop and check out the store.  They have recently renovated it and put a ton of mounts in there as well as improved the store immensely.  They have put in the dart system for archery and added a ton of inventory.  
The horns are replicas done by Steve Stayner of Sage Antlers.  He does phenomenal work.  I have never seen better replicas.  He does work for some of the best in the hunting business.  I will do a post with some of his work and some of the stuff we have bought from him.  If you ever need or want a reproduction of your giant let me know and I can put you in contact with him.  Enjoy the pics!!!