Sunday, February 5, 2012

Eric Fish Strikes Again!

Good friend Eric Fish Strikes again.  Eric made the most out of  the January archery hunt and here is what he said about it.
"I was lucky enough to get a buck with my bow this year.  I saw this buck feeding down a ridge right towards me. The buck was closing the distance quickly. He popped around a cedar and was 40 yards away. At full draw and my heart pounding the grass was as tall as the deer and i was not able to shoot and just like that he was past me and out of sight. Moving slowly i walked down the ridge a ways and stopped the buck popped back into sight and was at 70 yards. I pulled back and let her fly, with an arrow in the air and a prayer in the heart i watched the arrow stick high in the back hip. I left the area super quiet and i knew the buck never saw me. I returned three hours later with my buddies from camp and to my surprise the arrow drilled the main artery and there was a highway of a blood trail right to my first buck with a bow."